Hayfield Water Supply
Location Map of Mellor & Harrymoor Water Supply
HM SPR = Harry Moor Springs
HM TANKS = Harry Moor Tanks or spring collection chambers.
BIRCH VALE WPS = Water Pumping Station (in the car par of the ex Grouse Pub).
KB DSR = Kinder Bank Distribution Service Reservoir
- Over time there have been at least 4 reservoirs built here at different elevations.
- These are called KB1, KB2 KB3 and KB4 in chronological notation)
KB DBS = Kinder Bank Distribution Booster Station
HAYFIELD DBS = Distribution Booster Station and Treatment. It shares the building with Public Conveniences.
HIGHGATE LANE DBS = Distribution Booster Station . Situated off Highgate Road
THORNSETT DBS = Distribution Booster Station
MELLOR = Mellor Distribution Service Reservoir. (now part of United Utilities)